The Heaven & Earth Grocery Store


Book of the Week ‘The Heaven & Earth Grocery Store’ by James McBride

Brilliantly reviewed by our very own Catalina

‘“The Heaven & Earth Grocery Store” is a mesmerizing journey that transports readers to the vibrant neighborhood of Chicken Hill in 1920s and ‘30s Pottstown. At its heart are Moshe Ludlow and his wife Chona, whose grocery store serves as the epicenter of the community. When Nate Timblin, a respected yet enigmatic figure, entrusts them with the safety of Dodo, a deaf Black orphan, the town’s intricate web of relationships is set ablaze.

James McBride intricately weaves together the lives of diverse characters, shedding light on the shared experiences of outsiders navigating the complexities of American society. He masterfully examines the intersecting forces of race, ethnicity, class, and community, challenging readers to confront the barriers that divide us.

What sets this novel apart is McBride’s skillful weaving of profound empathy and compassion, highlighting the transformative power of love in adversity, and painting a vivid portrait of resilience and solidarity.’

Sounds like it isn’t just Barack Obama who loved the book 😉

Happy Reading - and message us if you would like to reserve a copy of the book.


Isabella Smith